Hi, I’m Lori. But you can call me Lors. I’m a middle-aged New Jersey-born gal, currently based in Orlando, Florida. My background is in editorial travel photography and writing and I've been to more than 30 countries. I’m obsessed with tropical locales and my favorite city is Tokyo. Have camera, will travel! I’m a Disney adult, Lord of the Rings fan, certified crazy cat lady, and sushi addict! I hope this blog inspires your wanderlust. Feel free to follow me on Instagram for snippets of daily life on and off the road.

  • sun protection for travel
    Travel Tips

    How to Protect Your Skin from the Sun While Traveling | The Best Travel Sunscreen

    Protecting our skin from the sun is something we should all be doing daily, but when you add tropical travel into the mix sun protection becomes even more crucial. I’ve already had one fairly major surgery for skin cancer so you can bet I’m doing everything in my power to avoid another one! Here’s my definitive list of the best travel sunscreen products. Affiliate links are included in this article. Any affiliate is a resource I use and recommend. If you click on a link and use their services or make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Cover Up I used to cringe at…

  • Stanley Tucci Taste scaled
    Books,  Food

    Travel Reads: Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci

    I’ve always loved Stanley Tucci’s portrayal of Nigel in The Devil Wears Prada. Recently I was browsing the book aisle and his face jumped out at me. Kudos on the cover design, Gallery books! I knew very little about Tucci, so when I purchased Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci I had no real expectations. Affiliate links are included in this article. Any affiliate is a resource I use and recommend. If you click on a link and use their services or make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Throughout this memoir, Tucci shares stories about how food played a major influence…

  • cuba justlors 003
    Caribbean,  Cuba,  Travel Tips

    No Hielo – A Cuba Tale

    I blame Hemingway. And my love for sweet, fruity cocktails. Picture it: Cuba, 2018, a bar that shall remain nameless (but touts a connection to Ernest himself), and daiquiris. I love me some daiquiris! What’s the first rule of international travel? Don’t drink the water. This is a story of how ice is (shockingly) made from, you guessed it, water. Ice is not your friend in Cuba. Cocktails in Cuba Three friends walk into a Havana bar, where they’re promptly and blatantly ignored by the bartender for a solid 20 minutes. Unbeknownst to each other, each of the friends is thinking how ridiculous the wait is and that maybe they…

  • nowhere girl cheryl diamond

    Travel Reads: Nowhere Girl by Cheryl Diamond

    One of my goals for 2022 was to read more non-fiction. Enter: Nowhere Girl by Cheryl Diamond. I was at Barnes & Noble looking for something to read while I sat in yet another hospital waiting room as they ran test upon test on my father (but that’s a story for another day). I was sucked in by the cover of Nowhere Girl and added it to the stack of books I left the store with. Cheryl Diamond spent her childhood adventuring around the world with her family. Along with her parents, her older brother, and sister, she hopped from country to country and continent, not settling in any one…

  • billionaires pool brando tahiti
    Islands of Tahiti,  South Pacific

    Manifesting Billionaire’s Pool | The Brando, Tahiti 

    36-ish hours. That was all the time I got to spend at The Brando in Tahiti. I was coming off a week on the Paul Gaughin and the same PR team that arranged that trip arranged a brief stopover at The Brando which had only opened a few months before. Upon landing I was greeted with the requisite tropical cocktail and a handsome ukulele-playing Tahitian. From the second I stepped into my one-bedroom villa, I knew I was never leaving. Since I’m currently writing this from my home in Orlando, you know how that went. But I did seriously contemplate missing my flight off the island. All though it’s a…