Driving on the Left: Tips and Tricks for Surviving Your First Time!

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I’ve been driving for 30 years (pauses in old person) and all of those years I’ve driven on the right side of the road. So as we planned our trip to Ireland, I was understandably nervous about driving on the left side of the road. Now that I’ve successfully navigated that nine-day trip, I’m sharing some of my best tips for driving on the left side of the road. 

Talk to Yourself

The biggest thing that helped me was telling myself (either aloud or in my head) “Left, left, left”. Repeatedly reminding yourself to stay left keeps you in the present moment and prevents you from slipping into old habits.


Get an Automatic

This was a no-brainer for me since I never learned how to drive a manual transmission, but even if you know how to drive a manual, I highly suggest getting an automatic so it’s one less thing to think about while you’re adjusting to driving on the left.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Obviously you should never, ever, drink and drive. Ever. But I think that most people are usually comfortable having one glass of wine with dinner and then driving home. If this is something you normally do (I am not condoning this. Be a responsible human.) I would strongly advise against it while you’re driving on the opposite side of the road. Driving on the side of the road you normally drive is second nature and when you’re driving on the opposite side of the road, it requires your full concentration, and alcohol (even the smallest amount) impairs that.

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Be Distraction-Free

Driving on the left when you’re not used to it takes a lot of concentration. Avoid distractions such as loud music, snacking while driving, and using your cell phone. Splitting your focus away from the task at hand makes it easy to act on instinct, which could have you driving on the wrong side of the road.

Take Breaks

If you’ve got a long drive, allow extra time and take frequent breaks. Our Ireland trip was a road trip and since it was the first time driving on the left for both of us, we planned for a limited amount of driving each day. We also regularly switched drivers to ensure that we weren’t getting fatigued while driving.

Look Right First

If like me, you grew up driving in the US, the mantra “left, right, left” was probably drilled into you. But if you’re driving on the left of the road, you need to look right first so remember “right, left, right” and you’ll be all right. Be aware not just of other drivers, but of pedestrians and also local wildlife.

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Step into the Daylight

Since we were driving in a new-to-us place and on the opposite side of the road, we planned our days so that we would only have to do minimal driving after dark and I’m so happy we did! I don’t love driving at night in the best of circumstances (I have an astigmatism that makes lights hard to deal with after dark) so we made the most of the daylight we had and enjoyed evenings at our hotel or on foot at nearby pubs.

Invest in Insurance

I know that car rentals can be expensive, especially when you’re paying extra to get an automatic. However, investing a little bit more in insurance is absolutely worth it for the peace of mind that it offers. Odds are good that you won’t need it, but on the off chance that you end up involved in a minor fender bender, you’ll be happy to have it.

Follow the Leader (to an extent)

In the beginning, it may be easier to follow the car ahead of you, especially when turning or in a roundabout. Just stay alert and aware and don’t end up following somewhere you’re not going!

Keep it Compact

I’ve driven a Toyota Corolla most of my life and that’s the size car I’m most comfortable driving. When renting a car choose a vehicle that’s similar in size, or smaller than what you’re used to driving. Don’t go from a Mini Cooper to an Escalade! Take the time to familiarize yourself when the car when you first pick it up from the rental agency.

Take it Easy

If you’re typically a highly defensive driver, dial it down a notch. Driving aggressively may cause you to fall back into your default habits of driving on the right and create problems down the road (pun fully intended).

Plan Your Journey

Whether it’s a person or GPS, put your co-pilot to good use and trust them. Have a route in mind and have it mapped out so you’re not trying to make decisions on the fly while driving on the opposite side of the road in an unfamiliar place.

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Rely on your Passenger

Assuming you’re road-tripping with a passenger, let them handle things like changing the radio station or adjusting the temperature controls in the car. This allows you to keep your hands on the wheel and your focus on staying on the left side of the road.

Make Mistakes

The odds are good you’ll miss a turn at some point, but that’s okay! If you’re about to make a mistake, don’t do anything unexpected like randomly stopping in a roundabout. If you miss your exit in a roundabout (also called a traffic circle), simply go around again (and again) until you’re safely able to get in the proper lane and exit. Or if you’re about to miss a turn, don’t do some wild maneuver to try and make it. Panicked choices are often poor choices. 

Avoid Rush Hour

If you’re able to avoid high traffic times, particularly in city centers, it will minimize your driving stress. Fewer cars (and pedestrians) mean fewer obstacles to contend with.

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Take it to the Limit

Don’t be a speed demon. But also don’t go ridiculously far under the speed limit as this can also pose a hazard to other drivers.


Pass on the Right

Keep in mind that if you’re on a multi-lane highway, the passing lane is the right lane and slower traffic should keep left.

Positive Self Talk

Yes, it’s unnerving to drive on the opposite side of the road, but if you tell yourself that you can’t do it, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Tell yourself (repeatedly, if necessary) that you can handle this new challenge and you’ll handle it with grace and ease!

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Remember to Readjust

You may be shocked to find that when you come back to the US, you’re so used to driving on the left that it will take you some time to readjust to driving on the right!

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Hi, I’m Lori. But you can call me Lors. I’m a middle-aged New Jersey-born gal, currently based in Orlando, Florida. My background is in editorial travel photography and writing and I've been to more than 30 countries. I’m obsessed with tropical locales and my favorite city is Tokyo. Have camera, will travel! I’m a Disney adult, Lord of the Rings fan, certified crazy cat lady, and sushi addict! I hope this blog inspires your wanderlust. Feel free to follow me on Instagram for snippets of daily life on and off the road.