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Japanese KitKat Flavors: The Best and the Worst

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Did I buy every flavor of Japanese KitKat that I found in Japan? Yes, yes I did and I’m rating them all here for you.

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Peach 8/10

Lightly sweet, bright flavor, easy to eat a bunch of these.

Lemon Salt 10/10

The surprising (and unanimous) favorite among all my friends that I convinced to try these with me! Lemony with just a hint of salt to maximize the citrus flavor. Easily the best Japanese KitKat.

Matcha Latte 6/10

Lightly flavored, I feel like you get more of the white chocolate than the matcha. I wouldn’t go out of my way to get more of them, but if they were around, I’d eat them.

Shinshu Apple -437/10

SO unexpectedly bitter and not in a good way. Not at all “apple”. The only one that I didn’t finish, so that says a lot.

Wasabi 7.5/10

The wasabi flavor is pretty low-key and hits more at the end. It’s a very edible candy, not too tough on the tastebuds. Enjoyable if you want something more savory.

Strawberry Cheese Cake Flavor 9/10

Sweet, cheese cake-y, very enjoyable to eat. Kind of reminds me of Strawberry Nesquick and I’m not mad about that!

Adzuki Sandwich 1/10

I didn’t know what to expect for this one. I mean, bean sandwich? Not a fan, but it still blew the apple out of the water!

Melon 5/10

If you like cantaloupe, you’ll enjoy this. I’m not a huge fan of cantaloupe, but it’s still a decently flavored Kit Kat.

Have you tried any Japanese KitKat flavors? Were they hits or misses?

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What it Costs to Go to Tokyo

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Hi, I’m Lori. But you can call me Lors. I’m a middle-aged New Jersey-born gal, currently based in Orlando, Florida. My background is in editorial travel photography and writing and I've been to more than 30 countries. I’m obsessed with tropical locales and my favorite city is Tokyo. Have camera, will travel! I’m a Disney adult, Lord of the Rings fan, certified crazy cat lady, and sushi addict! I hope this blog inspires your wanderlust. Feel free to follow me on Instagram for snippets of daily life on and off the road.