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3 Things to Know Before Going to Hawaii

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From local lore to etiquette, here are 3 things to know before going to Hawaii. When planning a trip, it’s important to know more than just logistics and things you’re going to do while you’re away.

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Don’t Take the Rocks

Lava rocks are unique and you might be tempted to take one home as a keepsake from your travels, but don’t! For starters, it’s illegal to remove lava rocks from Hawaii. But beyond that, it’s just plain bad luck! Taking lava rocks from the islands is said to bring bad luck to the thief, something known as Pele’s Curse. According to Hawaiian legend, Pele, the goddess of volcanoes and fire, got angry when a traveler took one of her lava rocks so she put a curse on them, ensuring that anyone who removed lava rocks from Hawaii would suffer from bad luck.

Favorite Hawaiian Foods T-Shirt

Monstera Productions/Pexels

Hawaii is part of the United States

Hawaii is one of the 50 US states, so when you talk about returning home, don’t say you’re “going back to the states” or “heading back to the US”. Say either of those might garner you some funny looks from the locals. It’s more appropriate to say that you’re “heading to the Mainland” or “going back to the Continental US”.

Discover the Best Things to do in Hawaii

From the Big Island to Kauai and everywhere in between, plan your perfect trip!

Island Time is a Thing

You may have heard jokes about island time, but I’m here to tell you that it’s a real thing. On Hawaii, as with many other tropical islands, things are more relaxed and move at a slower pace. While this can be frustrating if you’re used to speedy efficiency, embrace the island vibes, sip your cocktail, and chill.

And those are 3 things to know before going to Hawaii! Hopefully, these 3 things will make your trip more enjoyable. If you’ve got other things to know before going to Hawaii, leave a comment below!

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Hi, I’m Lori. But you can call me Lors. I’m a middle-aged New Jersey-born gal, currently based in Orlando, Florida. My background is in editorial travel photography and writing and I've been to more than 30 countries. I’m obsessed with tropical locales and my favorite city is Tokyo. Have camera, will travel! I’m a Disney adult, Lord of the Rings fan, certified crazy cat lady, and sushi addict! I hope this blog inspires your wanderlust. Feel free to follow me on Instagram for snippets of daily life on and off the road.